Remote Influencer yoga meditation and how it can enhance sport and physical activity.
Remote Influencer yoga meditation has helped improve my performance in Frisee That Much and in my other physical activity practices. I will write about the other practices in future posts. I have some health issues which prevent me from being 100% physically. I was quite an athlete when I was growing up though. If my Remote Influencer yoga meditation system can help to enhance my physical performance, imagine what it can do for 100 % able bodied athletes. I have been able to maintain focus, improve reflexes and to stay calm and in control as a result of my meditative practices.
Here are a few links to videos showing me throwing an American football and a flying disc through my Frisee That Much club. I'll leave Google drive links and Amazon drive links. You can choose which platform you'd like to view and /or download, share the videos through.
Remote Influencer yoga meditation can help to enhance mental abilities as well. I will write about this area in a future post.
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